I am happy to give presentations and participate in panels on community building, developer relations, and learning in public. Below are some examples of previous talks I have given.
Find an archive of all my previous talks here.
If you are interested in having me speak at your event, please email me!
Adapting to Ever-Evolving Language
You Got This! 2023
Respect and inclusion are key to a collaborative, healthy work environment, and that’s made harder by the fact that language, especially around gender and sexuality, evolves so quickly. In this talk, we’ll go through some examples of more gender-inclusive language, methods for practicing, and strategies for rolling with the punches when we make mistakes. By the end of the talk, you’ll feel confident in navigating the changing language around gender and sexuality.
Learning in Public With Furby Hacking
FutureStack 2021
The creepy-cute 1998 Furby toy has a long history of being taken apart, hacked, and modified. For my first-ever hardware and software project, I decided to join the ranks of the Furby hackers. Let's explore the hobby of hacking Furbies, the (many) obstacles encountered along the way, and surprising things I've learned while learning in public.
Building Virtual Community
Deserted Island DevOps 2020
At its core, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game about building a community — literally — on a remote island. Right now, many of us are also experiencing our own version of remote living, though luckily with many of life’s modern conveniences. Without in-person events, meetups, and interactions, it’s crucial to create or maintain digital spaces for developer communities.
This talk will explore converting a face-to-face community to a virtual community, a few tools (like Twitch) you can use, and how to be a good citizen of these communities. You’ll leave with a few examples to hopefully inspire you and an answer to the all-important question — how is community building like Animal Crossing?